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How Can We Help?

People are often unsure about whether or not a financial adviser can help them, or if their question is too trivial. To assist with this, we have listed below questions we help customers with every single day.


You will see these are split into different categories depending on if you are of working age, planning for retirement, or in retirement.

Would you benefit from a financial review?


Listed below are some of the most common questions that people like you have about their finances. If you would like some help with any of these areas, please download the list below and tick as many boxes as you like on the right-hand side and we will arrange for our recommended financial adviser to make contact.


There is no cost for an initial – no-obligation – conversation.


Most common questions from working age people:


1. Am I on the best mortgage deal?
2. Can I afford to move to a new house?
3. How can I pay off my mortgage faster?
4. Would my family be ok if something happened to me?
5. Do I need life insurance, and if so, how much?
6. Would I be able to pay the bills if I was not well enough to work?
7. Where is the best place to start with saving or investing money?
8. How much risk should I take with my pension, savings, or investments?
9. How can I learn more about tax efficient savings and investments like ISAs?
10. How do I set up a pension and how much should I save?
11. Which pension company is best for me and how do I choose?
12. What planning should I do for significant life events?
13. How should I go about saving some money for my children?
14. Where can I find out more about different types of pensions and whether I should have one?
15. When can I realistically retire and how much I will need to save?
16. What is the best type of pension for me?
17. Is my company pension scheme any good and will it be enough?
18. I have inherited some money and would like to know what to do with it.
19. Do I need to have a will?
20. I am interested in finding out how to pay less tax
21. How do I build a financial plan that meets my needs?
22. How do I pay less in tax?
23. I would like my pensions and investments to meet modern ethical standards, how do I know if they are?


Please click here to download the complete list.


If you are still unsure about the value of using a financial adviser, take a look at the outcome of these recent surveys below which have clearly identified the benefits this can bring to you.


So, why not give us a call right now on 01332 548100 or send an email to – we look forward to hearing from you.


The benefits of advice:

Royal London report on the emotional benefits of advice:


  • Customers who took financial advice were on average £47k better off.

  • Those who fostered an ongoing relationship with their adviser were up to 50% better off than those who had only received advice once.

Numis Securities report comparing the performance of a typical SJP and Hargreaves client:


  • Benefit of advice was 2% additional growth per annum after charges.

  • £100k invested with SJP over 10 years returned £210k.

  • A Hargreaves SIPP Investor returned £171K.

  • Advice delivered a £39k improved return or 23%.


Sources: Royal London Report “Feeling the benefit of financial advice” – September 2020 & article “Value of advice put at 2% as SJP returns top Hargreaves” from September 2020.

Create Financial Management
Address: York House, Stephensons Way,
Wyvern Business Park, Derby, DE21 6LY
Phone: 01332 548 100

© Copyright 2024

Create Financial Management is a trading style of Create FM Ltd, which is an appointed representative of Hoyl Independent Advisers Ltd.

Hoyl Independent Advisers Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Financial Services Register number 433927.

The guidance and/or advice contained within this website is/are subject to the UK regulatory regime and is/are primarily targeted at consumers based in the UK.


Registered in England, Company Number 06712725

Registered Address: Upton House, St Margarets Road, Cromer, England, NR27 9DG

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